Our club prides itself on the quality and effectiveness of its coaching development programmes.
Our Coaching panel supports and advises our coaches on their skills development and regularly attends training sessions and games to observe coaches and players and offer advice where required. All Lower Hutt City AFC coaches are required to up-skill where necessary and gain any specific coaching qualifications by attending regular Capital Football coaching and development clinics. The calendar for coaching courses being run this season by Capital Football will be available shortly. Please click on this link for further information regarding the 2023 New Zealand Football Coaching Course Programme, qualifications and coaching pathways offered by Capital Football.
Please contact Kevin Nash to discuss registering for any applicable courses available.
Coaches please note that there will be a pre-season coaches evening to be held at the Fraser Park gym prior to the start of the season. You will be notified of the date and time asap.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss coaching opportunities at Lower Hutt City AFC please contact Kevin in the first instance via the contact page of this website.
Fun Football (Grade 7 & Grade 8) - Introduction to Junior Coaching
Mini Football (Grade 9 to Grade 12) - Junior Level 1 & 2 Coaching Courses
Youth Football (Grade 13 & Grade 14) - Junior Level 1 & 2 Coaching Courses
Coaches who are coaching travel league teams must attain a Junior or Youth Level 2 coaching certificate.
Youth Football (Grade 15 to Grade 19) - Youth Level 1 & 2 Coaching Courses
Senior Football - Senior Level 1 Coaching Course n fee once you have paid and received an invoice from Capital Football. Please advise Kevin Nash if you wish to register for one of these courses.